Publication CD list
Last update: 26 Jul. 2007 | ||||
Publication | Publisher | Date | File media | Room |
27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (Montery, USA) | AMS | 24-28 April, 2006 | CD | 325 |
Geophysical Research Abstracts | EGU | 2006 | CD | 325 |
Final Report of Mackenzie GEWEX Study, Proceedings of the Final Annual Scientific Meeting (Ottawa) | GEWEX/MAGS | 22-25, Nov. 2005 | CD | 325 |
Asian Water Cycle Symposium | The University of Tokyo | 2,3,4, Nov. 2005 | CD | 325 |
IUGG 2003 (Sapporo) | IUGG | June 30-July 11, 2003 | CD | 325 |
GAME Phase 1 Summary | GAME National Project Office | Mar. 2003 (date of issue) | CD | 325 |
Jounals of the AMS | AMS | 1997,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 | CD | 325 |
AMS Conference and Symposium Preprints | AMS | 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2003 | CD | 325 |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Planning Workshop on GPM | NASDA, CRL, NASA | May 20-22, 2002 | CD | 325 |
‹CŒóŒnŠÄŽ‹”N•ñ2001 | JMAi‹CÛ’¡j | 2001 | CD | 325 |
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan | “ú–{ƒŠƒ‚[ƒgƒZƒ“ƒVƒ“ƒOŠw‰ï | 1981-2000 | CD | 325 |
Monthly Report of MSC | JMAi‹CÛ’¡j | Aug.-Oct. 1998, Aug.-Oct. 1999 |
CD | 325 |
Workshop Proceedings and Other Documents (MAGS) | GEWEX/MAGS | 1995-2000 | CD | 325 |