主要論文 招待講演 著書
主要論文(Refereed Papers)
- Shrestha, D., P. Singh, and K. Nakamura,2012: Spatio-temporal variation of rainfall over the central Himalayan region revealed by precipitation radar. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D22106.
- Imaoka, K., and K. Nakamura, 2012: Statistical analysis of the life cycle of isolated tropical cold cloud systems using MTSAT-1R and TRMM data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 3552-3572.
- Hirose, M., S. Shimizu, R. Oki, T. Iguchi, D. A. Short, and K. Nakamura, 2011: Incidence-angle dependency of TRMM PR rain estimates. J. Atmos. Oceanic. Technol., 29, 192-206.
- Yamamoto M. K., K. Ueno, and K. Nakamura, 2011: Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products with Rain Gauge Data for the Khumb Region, Nepal Himalayas. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan,89(6), 597-610.
- Yamamoto, M. K., and K. Nakamura, 2011: Typical patterns of microwave signatures and vertical profiles
of precipitation in the mid-latitudes from TRMM data. J. Applied Meteorol. Climatol., 50, 1236-1254.
- Minda, H., F. A. Furuzawa, S. Satoh, and K. Nakamura, 2010: Convective Boundary Layer above a Subtropical Island Observed by C-band Radar and Interpretation using a Cloud Resolving Model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 88, 3, 285-312.
- Bhatt, B. C., T-Y. Koh, M. Yamamoto and K. Nakamura, 2010: The diurnal cycle of convective activity over South Asia diagnosed from METEOSAT-5 and TRMM data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 21(5), 841-854, doi:10.3319/TAO.2010.02.04.01(A).
- Short, D., and K. Nakamura, 2010: Effect of TRMM orbit boost on radar reflectivity distributions. J. Atmos. Oceanic Techno., 27(7), 1247-1254, doi:10.1175/2010JTECHA1426.1.
- Singh, P., and K. Nakamura, 2010: Diurnal variation in summer monsoon precipitation during active and break periods over India and southern Himalayan foothills. J. Geophys. Res.,115, D12122, doi:10.1029/2009JD012794.
- Shinoda, T., A. Higuchi, K.Tsuboki, T. Hiyama, H. Tanaka, S. Endo, H. Minda, H. Uyeda, K. Nakamura, 2009: Structure of Convective Circulation in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean under a Subtropical High. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87, 6, 979-996.
- Singh, P., and K. Nakamura, 2009: Diurnal Variation in Summer Precipitation over the Central Tibetan Plateau. J. Geophys. Res., 114, D20107, doi:10.1029/2009JD011788.
- Rao, D. N., M. V. Ratnam, S. Mehta, D. Nath, S. Ghouse Basha, V. V. M. Jagannadha Rao, B. V. Krishna Murthy, T. Tsuda, and K. Nakamura, 2009: Validation of the COSMIC radio occultation data over Gadangi (13.48N, 79.2E): A tropical region. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 20(1), 59-70, doi:10:3319/TAO2008.01.23.01(F3C).
- Padhakrishna, B., T. Narayana Rao, D. Narayana Rao, N. Prabhakara Rao, K. Nakamura, and Ashok Kumar Sharma, 2009: Spatial and seasonal variability of raindrop size distributions in southesast India. J. Geophys. Res., 114, D04203, doi:10.1029/2008JD011226.
- Short, D. A., M. Hirose, and K. Nakmaura, 2009: An interpretation of TRMM radar observations of shallow convection with a rain cell model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87A, 53-66.
- Hirose, M., R. Oki, D. A. Short, and K. Nakamura, 2009: Regional characteristics of scale-based precipitation systems from 10-year TRMM PR data. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87A, 353-368.
- Pham, N. T., K. Nakamura, F. A. Furuzawa, and S. Satoh, 2008: Characteristics
of Low Level Jets over Okinawa in the Baiu and post-Baiu Seasons revealed
by Wind Profiler Observations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 86, 699-717.
- Endoh, S. et al. 2008:
Characteristics of vertical circulation in the convective boundary layer
over the Huaihe River Basin in China in the early Summer of 2004. J. Appl. Meteor., 47, 2911-2928, (November 2008).
- Tanaka, H., Hiyama, T., K. Nakamura, 2008 Turbulent flux observations at the tip of a narrow cape on Miyako Island in Japan's Southwestern Islands, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 86, 699-717
- Minda, H., F. A. Furuzawa, S. Satoh, and K. Nakamura, 2008:
Bird migration echoes observed by polarimetric radar. IEICE, E91-B, No. 6, 2085-2088, (June 2008).
- Rao, T. N., N. V. P. Kirankumar, B. Radhakrishna, D. N. Rao, and K. Nakamura,
2008: Classification of Tropical Precipitating Systems Using Wind Profiler
Spectral Moments: 2. Statistical characteristics of rainfall systems and
sensitivity analysis. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25, 898-908 (June 2008)
- Rao, T. N., N. V. P. Kirankumar, B. Radhakrishna, D. N. Rao, and K. Nakamura,
2008: Classification of Tropical Precipitating Systems Using Wind Profiler
Spectral Moments: 1. Algorithm Description and Validation. J. Atmos. Oceanic
Technol., 25, 884-897 (June 2008)
- Yamamoto, K. M., F. A. Furuzawa, A. Higuchi, and K. Nakamura, 2008: Comparison of diurnal variations in precipitation systems observed by TRMM PR, TMI, and VIRS. J. Climate, 21, 4011-4028.
- Tanaka, H., T. Hiyama, K. Yamamoto, H. Fujinami, T. Shinoda, A. Higuchi, S. Endo, S. Ikeda, Li, W., K. Nakamura, 2007:
Surface flux and atmospheric boundary layer observations from the LAPS project
over the middle stream of the Huaihe River basin in China, Hydrological
Processes, 21, 1997-2008.
- Suzuki, S., K. Shiokawa, Y. Otsuka, T. Ogawa, K. Nakamura, and T. Nakamura, 2007: A concentric gravity wave structure in the mesospheric airglow images, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D02102, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006558.
- Tao, W.-K., E. A. Smith, R. F. Adler, Z. S. Haddad, A. Y. Hou, T. Iguchi, R. Kakar, T. N. Krishnamurti, C. D. Kummerow, S. Lang, R. Meneghini, K. Nakamura, T. Nakazawa, K. Okamoto, W. S. Olson, S. Satoh, S. Shige, J. Simpson, Y. Takayabu, G. J. Tripoli, and S. Yang, 2006: Retrieval of latent heating from TRMM measurements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87, 1555-1572.
- Yamamoto, M. K., A. Higuchi and K. Nakamura, 2006: Vertical and horizontal structure of winter precipitation systems over the western Pacific around Japan using TRMM data. J. Geophy. Res. 111, D13108, doi:10.1029/2005JD006412.
- Kondo, Y., A. Higuchi and K. Nakamura, 2006: Small scale cloud activity
over the maritime continent and the western Pacific as revealed from satellite
data. Mon. Wea. Rev. 134(6), 1581-1599.
- Bhatt, B. C. and K. Nakamura, 2006: A climatological-dynamical analysis associated with precipitation around the southern part of the Himalayas. J. Geophys. Res.111, D02115, doi:10.1029/2005JD006197.
- Li, Ji and K. Nakamura, 2005: Vertical distribution of the mirror image returns observed by TRMM PR and estimated for a 35-GHz Radar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 22, 1829-1837.
- Minda, H., and K. Nakamura, 2005: High temporal resolution path-average rain-gauge with 50 GHz band microwave. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 22(2), 165-179, 2005.
- Furuzawa, Akimoto F. and K. Nakamura, 2005: Differences of rainfall estimates over land by Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) - Dependence on storm height. J. Appl. Meteor., 44(3), 367-383.
- Hirose. M. and K. Nakamura, 2005: Spatial and diurnal variation of precipitation systems over Asia observed by TRMM Precipitation Radar. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D05106, doi:10.1029/2004JD004815.
- Bhatt, B. C. and K. Nakamura, 2005: Characteristics of Monsoon Rainfall around the Himalayas Revealed by TRMM Precipitation Radar. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 149-165.
- Hirose, M., and K. Nakamura, 2004: Spatiotemporal variation of the vertical gradient of rainfall rate observed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar. J. Climate, 17(17), 378-3397.
- Adhikari, N. B., and K. Nakamura, 2004: An assessment of the performance of a dual-wavelength (13.6/35.0 GHz) radar to observe rain and snow from space. Radio Sci. 39(2), RS2004, doi: 10.1029/2003RS002925.
- Nakai, S., K. Nakamura, H. Minda, and H. Seko, 2004: Characteristics of a Dissipating Cloud Cluster over the East China Sea: A TRMM-Aircraft Simultaneous Observation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82(1), 207-227.
- Rao, K. G., M. Desbois, R. Roca, and K. Nakamura, 2004: Upper tropospheric drying and the "transitionb to break" in the Indian summer monsoon during 1999. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L03206, doi: 10.1029/2003GL018269.
- Ikai, J. and K. Nakamura: Comparison of rain rates over the ocean derived from TRMM microwave imager and precipitation radar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20(12), 1709-1726, 2003.
- Zachariah Debo Adeyewa and K. Nakamura: Preliminary study of rainfall and storm structure over Africa with TRMM precipitation radar data, Meteorologische Zeitschift, vol. 12, No. 4, 197-202, 2003
- Nanda Bikram Adhikari and K. Nakamura: Simulattion-based Analysis of Rainrate Estimation Errors in Dual-Wavelength Precipitation Radar from Space. Radio Sci., 38, No.4, 1066, 2003
- Adeyewa, Z. D. and K. Nakamura, 2003: Validation of TRMM radar rainfall data over major climatic regions in Africa, J. Applied Meteor. 42, 331-347, 2003.
- Adhikari, N. B. and K. Nakamura: Detectable rain range of spaceborne Ka-band radar estimated from TRMM precipitation radar data, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 19 (11), 1878-1885, 2002.
- Hirose, M. and K. Nakamura: Spatial and seasonal variation of rain profiles over Asia observed by spaceborne precipitation radar, J. Climate, 15 (23), 3443-3458, 2002.
- KrishnaReddy, K., T. Kozu, Y. Ohno, K. Nakamura, A. Higuchi, K. Madhu Chandra Reddy,V. K. Anandan, P. Srinivasulu, A. R. Jain, P. B. Rao, R. Ranga Rao, G.Viswanathan, and D. Narayana Rao, Planetary boundary layer and precipitationstudies using lower atmospheric wind profiler over tropical India, Radio Sci., 37(4), 14-1 - 14-17, 2002.
- Li J., and K. Nakamura: Characteristics of the mirror image of precipitation observed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar. J. Atom. Oceanic Technol., 19(2), 145-158. 2002.
- KrishnaReddy, K., T. Kozu, K. Nakamura, Y. Ohno, P. Srinivasulu, V. K. Anandan, A. R.Jain, P. B. Rao, R. R. Rao, G. Viswanthan and D. N. Rao: Lower atmospheric windprofiler at Gadanki, tropical India Initial results. MeteorologicalZeitschrift, 10(6), 457-468, 2001.
- Maki,M., T. D. Keenan, Y. Sasaki and K. Nakamura: Characteristics of the raindropsize distribution in tropical continental squall lines observed in Darwin,Australia. J. Applied Meteor., 40 (8), 1393-1412, 2001.
- Kummerow, C., K. Nakamura, et al. (計27名), The status of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) after two years in orbit, J. Applied Meteor., 39, 1965-1982, 2000.
- Short,D and K. Nakamura: TRMM radar observation of shallow precipitation over thetropical oceans, J. Climate, 13 (23), 4107-4124. , 2000.
- Ohsaki, Y., K. Nakamura and T. Takeda: Simulation-based error analysis on the comparison between rainfall rates measured by a spaceborne radar and by ground-based instruments, 77(3), 673-686, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1999.
- Oki,R., K. Furukawa, S. Shimizu, Y. Suzuki, S. Satoh, H. Hanado, K. Okamoto and K.Nakamura: Preliminary results of TRMM: Part I, A comparison of PR with ground-basedobservations, Marine Technol. Soc. J., 32(4), 13-23, 1998.
- Ohsaki,Y. and K. Nakamura; Simulation-based analysis of the error caused bynon-unifrom beam filling and signal fluctuation in rainfall rate measurementwith a spaceborne radar. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 76, 205-216, 1998.
- Ohsaki,Y. and K. Nakamura: Possibility of rainfall rate estimation using ZDR alonemeasuremed by a Ku-band dual-polarization radar with simultaneous reception, J.Meteor.Soc. Japan, 75, 95-99, 1997.
- Ohsaki,Y. and K. Nakamura: Adaptive determination of maximum diameter of raindropsfrom ZDR, IEICE Trans., E79-B, 793-796, 1996.
- Kumagai,H., K. Nakamura, H. Hanado, K. Okamoto, N. Hosaka, N. Miyano, N. Takahashi, T.Iguchi, H. Miyauchi and T. Moriyama: CRL airborne multiparameter radar (CAMPR):System description and preliminary results, IEICE Trans., E79-B, 770-778, 1996
- Nakamura,K., T. Kozu and S. Uratsuka: Interference of sea surface echo and rain echoobserved by a real aperture airborne imaging radar, IEICE Trans., E79-B,786-792, 1996.
- Ohsaki, Y. and K. Nakamura: A simulation study of the bias error analysis of mean rainfall rates with spaceborne radar, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 13 (3), 762-768, 1996.
- Nakamura,K. and H. Inomata: Dual-polarization rain observation by X- and Ka-banddual-wavelength radar. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 70(6), 1085-1095, 1992.
- Masuda,Y., J. Awaka, K. Nakamura, T. Adachi and T. Tsuda: Analysis of the radioacoustic sounding system using a chirped acoustic wave. Radio Sci., 27(5),681-691, 1991.
- Nakamura,K.: Biases of rain retrieval algorithms for spaceborne radar caused bynonunifromity of rain. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 8(3), 363-373, 1991.
- Nakamura,K. and H. Inomata: Non-Rayleigh scattering effect in rain observation by an X-and Ka-band dual-wavelength radar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 8(3), 352-362,1991.
- Kozu,T., K. Nakamura, R. Meneghini, and W.C. Boncyk: Dual-parameter radar rainfallmeasurement from space: A test result from an aircraft experiment. IEEE Trans. Geosci.Remote Sensing. GE-29, 690-703, 1991.
- Kozu, T. and K. Nakamura: Rainfall parameter estimation from dual-radar measurements combining reflectivity profile and path-integrated attenuation.J. Atmos. Oceanic Technology, 8(20), 260-270, 1991.
- Weinman, J. A., R. Meneghini and K. Nakamura: Retrieval of precipitation profiles from airborne radar and passive radiometer measurements: Comparison with dual-frequency radar measurements. J. Applied Meteor., 29 (10), 981-993, 1990 (Oct.)
- Nakamura,K. and H. Inomata: Rain observation by an X- and Ka-band dual-wavelength radar.J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 68(5), 509-521, 1990.
- Meneghini,R. and K. Nakamura: Range profiling of the rain rate by an airborne weatherradar. Remonte Sens. Envion., 31, 193-209, 1990.
- Nakamura,K., K. Okamoto, T. Ihara, J. Awaka, T. Kozu and T. Manabe: Conceptual design ofrain radar for the tropical rainfall measuring mission. Int. J. Sat. Commun., 8, 257-268, 1990
- Meneghini,R., K. Nakamura, C.W. Ulbrich and D. Atlas: Experimental tests of methods forthe measurement of rainfall rate using an airborne dual-wavelength radar. J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., l6, 637-651, 1989.
- Fujita,M., K. Nakamura, H. Inomata, and K. Okamoto: Intercomparison of radarmeasurements of rain by single-and dual-wavelength techniques. Radio Sci., 24, 65-75, 1989.
- Okamoto,K., T. Kozu, K. Nakamura and T. Ihara: Tropical rainfall measuring mission rainradar. Tropical Rainfall Measurements, Deepak Publ., 213-219, 1988.
- Fujita, M., K. Okamoto, S. Yoshikado, H. Masuko and K. Nakamura: A summary of rain measurements with an airborne microwave rain scatterometer/radiometer. Tropical Rainfall Measurements, Deepak Publ., 207-211, 1988.
- Meneghini,R. and K. Nakamura: Some characteristics of the mirror-image return in rain.Tropical Rainfall Measurements, Deepak Publ., 239-242, 1988.
- Kozu,T., J. Awaka, H. Fukuchi and K. Nakamura: Rain attenuation ratios on 30/20- and14/12-GHz satellite-to-earth link. Radio Sci., 23, 409-418, 1988.
- Nakamura,K. and R. Meneghini: Rain retrieval algorithms by spaceborne radar.TropicalRainfall Measurements, A. Deepak Pub., 265-270, 1988.
- Fukuchi, H., K. Nakamura, K. Okamoto and T. Okuyama: Angle-of-arrival fluctuation at 20 GHz on earth-space path. J. Electromag. Waves Appl., 2, 671-681, 1988.
- Fujita, M, K. Okamoto, S. Yoshikado and K. Nakamura: Inference of rain rate profile and path-integrated rainrate by an airborne microwave rain scatterometer.Radio Sci., 20 (3), 631-642. (June), 1985.
- Awaka,J., T. Kozu, K. Nakamura and H. Inomata: Experimental results on bistatic rainscattering at 14.3 GHz. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-32, 1345-1350, 1984.
- Yokoyama.,T., H. Tanaka, K. Nakamura and J. Awaka: Microphysical process of melting snowflakes detected by two-wavelength radar -Part II Application of two-wavelengthradar technique. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan., 62, 668-678, 1984.
- Awaka,J., K. Nakamura and H. Inomata: Bistatic rain-scatter experiment at 34.8 GHz. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., AP-31, 693-698, 1983.
- Fukuchi,H., T. Kozu, K. Nakamura, J. Awaka, H. Inomata, Y. Otsu: Centimeter wavepropagation experiments using the beacon signals of CS and BSE satellites, IEEETrans. Antennas Propagat., AP-31, 603-613, 1983.
- Okamoto, K., S. Yoshikado, H. Masuko, T. Ojima, N. Fugono, K. Nakamura, J. Awaka and H. Inomata: Airborne microwave rain-scattermeter/radiometer. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 3, 277-294, 1982.
- Furuhama, Y., T. Ihara, M. Fujita, T. Shinozuka, K. Nakamura and J. Awaka: Propagation characteristics of millimeter and centimeter waves of ETS-II classified by rainfall types. Annals Telecommun., 36, 24-32, 1981.
- Nakamura,K.: A comment on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 59,272-275, 1981.
- Tanaka, H., T. Shinozuka, K. Nakamura, K. Koike and H. Kuroiwa: ETS-II experiments part III: Weather radar system. IEEE Trans. AES-16, 581-589, 1980.
- Fujita, M., K. Nakamura, T. Ihara and R. Hayashi: Seasonal variations of attenuation statistics in millimetre-wave earth-satellite link due to bright-band height. Electronics Lett.,.15, 654-655, 1979.
- Nakamura, K.: A generalization of Eliassen-Palm relation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 57, 215-226, 1979.
- Matsuno,T. and K. Nakamura: The Eulerian-Lagrangian circulations in the stratosphere atthe time of a sudden warming. J. Atmos. Sci. Japan, 36, 640-654, 1979.
- Nakamura,K.: On the "Wave momentum" of deep internal gravity waves. J. Meteor.Soc. Japan, 54, 331-333, 1976.
招待講演(Invited Talk)
- Nakamura, K., R. Oki, T. Iguchi, 2011: Current Status of Global Precipitation Measurement in Japan. The 5th Workshop on Satellite Data Application for Global Environment Monitoring, Gyeongju, Korea, September 28, 2011. (Invited talk)
- Nakamura, K., S. Shimizu, K. Nakagawa, H. Hanado, 2011: Dual Ka-band Radar Experiment for the DPR Algorithm Development. 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2011, Program Guide, P70, TU4.T07.3, 2011.7.26 (Invited talk).
- 中村健治・今岡啓治, 2011: 静止気象衛星のrapid scan データによる降水システムの研究への期待. 日本気象学会2011年度春季大会, 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 東京, 2011年5月18日, 2011年度春季大会講演予稿集, A158 (P.59) (Invited talk).
- Nakamura, K., S. Shimizu, K. Nakagawa, and H. Hanado, 2010: Japan's Field Experiment
Plan for GPM DPR Algorithm Development Using a Dual Ka-Radar System. Asia
Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 7th Annual Meeting, Hyderabad, India,
AS21-A003 2010.07.05-09 (Invited talk).
- Nakamura, K., N. T. T. Pham, F. A. Furuzawa and S. Satoh, 2009: Diurnal Variation of Low Level Jet Around Okinawa Island, Japan During Baiu Season. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 6th Annual Meeting, Singapore, AS17-A001 (2009.8.11-15)(Invited talk).
- Nakamura, K., S. Shimizu, K. Nakagawa, and H. Hanado, 2010: Japan's Field Experiment Plan for GPM DPR Algorithm Development Using a Dual Ka-Radar System. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 7th Annual Meeting, Hyderabad, India, AS21-A003 2010.07.05-09 (Invited talk).
- 中村健治, 2008: 衛星から雨を測る. 第69回応用物理学会学術講演会, 中部大学(春日井市), 9月2日, (招待講演)
- 中村健治: 清水裕之/檜山哲哉/河村則行 編「水の環境学 人との関わりから考える」第一章 地球表層の水循環,名古屋大学出版会,3-20,(2011.8.15)
- 中村健治: 1.2 大気と水循環.「新しい地球学」 (渡邊誠一郎・檜山哲哉・安成哲三 編), 名古屋大学出版会, 60-81, 2008.
- Nakamura, K., and T. Iguchi, 2007: Dual-wavelength radar algorithm. Measuring Precipitation from Space, Springer, 225-234, 2007.
- Nakamura, K., and T. Iguchi, 2007: International Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) program. Measuring Precipitation from Space, Springer, 611-654, 2007.
Kenji Nakamura's home page Since 2004