Referred Articles & Presentations (
(Members in our Lab. colored as Red, in HyARC represented as Blue)

[2012] [2011][2010][2009][2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [before 2002]
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Award (受賞)

 ・日本気象学会2006年度藤原賞 中村健治 Prof. Nakamura has received Meteorological Society of Japan Fujiwara Award in 2006.

(a). Referred Articles (査読付論文)
Tao, W.-K., E. A. Smith, R. F. Adler, Z. S. Haddad, A. Y. Hou, T. Iguchi, R. Kakar, T. N. Krishnamurti, C. D. Kummerow, S. Lang, R. Meneghini, K. Nakamura, T. Nakazawa, K. Okamoto, W. S. Olson, S. Satoh, S. Shige, J. Simpson, Y. Takayabu, G. J. Tripoli, and S. Yang, 2006: Retrieval of latent heating from TRMM measurements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87, 1555-1572.(200611)

Yamamoto, M. K., A. Higuchi, and K. Nakamura, 2006: Vertical and horizontal structure of winter precipitation systems over the western Pacific around Japan using TRMM data. Jounal of Geophysical Research, 111, D13108, doi:10.1029/2005JD006412.(200607)

Kondo, Y., A. Higuchi, and K. Nakamura, 2006: Small-Scale Cloud Activity over the Maritime Continent and the Western Pacific as Revealed by Satellite Data. Monthly Weather Review, 134(6), 1581-1599.(200606)

Bhatt, B. C., and K. Nakamura, 2006: A climatological-dynamical analysis associated with precipitation around the southern part of the Himalayas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D02115, doi:10.1029/2005JD006197.(200601)

(b). Presentations [Both international and domestic presentations] (学会発表[国際WSのProceeding等も含む])
Nakamura, K., T. Iguchi, and R. Oki, 2006: Expected contribution of MST radar to GPM ground validation. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Tirupati India, December 11-15, (Invited talk).

Nakamura, K., T. Shinoda, T. Hiyama, H. Tanaka, and W. Li, 2006: Boundary layer profiler observation and LES model simulation. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Tirupati India, December 11-15, (Oral).

Reddy, K. K., T. Kozu, Y. Ohno, K. Nakamura, H. Uyeda, R. Shirooka, M. Yoshizaki, C.-J. Pan, N. R. Rao, and J. Roettger, 2006: Convection and precipitation experiment (CAPE): Virtual network of VHF/UHF wind profiler radars. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, Tirupati India, December 11-15, (Poster)

Nakamura, K., H. Tanaka, T. Hiyama, T. Shinoda, S. Endo, and W. Li, 2006: Seasonal change of the atmospheric boundary layer over Huaihe River basin in China. SPIE(The International Society for Optical Engineering) 5th Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium , Goa India , 6404-23, November 13-15, (Oral).

Bhatt, B. C., and K. Nakamura, 2006: Characterization of cloudiness over the mountainous regions in south Asia using satellite data. Annual meeting of the Japan Meteorological Society, Nagoya, C164(pp171), October 25-27, (Oral).

Nakamura, K., M. K. Yamamoto, and B. C. Bhatt, 2006: Characteristics of precipitation system in mountainous region revealed by TRMM. Int'l workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling, Kusatsu 2006 CREST-JST, Japan, October 3-5, (Oral).

山本宗尚中村健治, 2006: TRMM TMIデータで得られた北西太平洋域における降水のマイクロ波放射特性. 日本気象学会夏季特別セミナー(第18回夏の学校), 三重, 7月20-22日, (Poster).

Bhatt, B. C., and K. Nakamura, 2006: Diurnal variability of the cloud and precipitation around the Himalayan region. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore, 59-AS-A1390, July 10-14, (Oral).

Yamamoto, M. K., D. Sasaki, and K. Nakamura, 2006: Relationship between Amplitude of Diurnal Variation and Rarameters of Rain/Cloud Systems Using TRMM Data. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore, 59-AS-A1391, July 10-14, (Oral).

真木亮篠田太郎上田博坪木和久・清水慎吾・中村健治民田晴也, 2006: 2004年梅雨期に沖縄周辺で観測された降水セルの特徴に関する統計的な解析. 日本気象学会2006年度春季大会, つくば国際会議場, C454, 5月24日, (口頭).

遠藤智史篠田太郎田中広樹坪木和久上田博中村健治LAPS中国観測チーム, 2006: 2004年初夏の中国淮河中流域における対流境界層内の鉛直循環の特徴. 日本気象学会2006年度春季大会, つくば国際会議場, C254, 5月22日, (口頭).

田中広樹檜山哲哉・山本鉱・藤波初木篠田太郎樋口篤志遠藤智史・池田祥一郎・李維京・中村健治, 2006: 中国淮河流域に置ける地表面フラックスおよび大気境界層観測. 日本気象学会2006年度春季大会, つくば国際会議場, C253, 5月22日, (口頭).

永田絵美・猪股英行・中村健治, 2006: 衛星画像による雲形識別. 日本リモートセンシング学会第40回学術講演会, 千葉大学, 5月19日, (Poster).

Nakamura, k., 2006: Diurnal variation of tropical rain revealed by TRMM. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Montery USA, April 24-28, (Invited talk).

Nakamura, k., 2006: Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) and Dual-Wavelength Radar (DPR). Volume8 2006 EGU(European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2006, Vienna, April 2-7, (Poster).

佐々木大祐中村健治, 2006:衛星データと再解析データから得られたラプラタ川流域の豪雨と水蒸気輸送. 平成17年度 TRMM PI 研究成果報告会, 東京, 3月.

山本宗尚, 2006: TRMM−PR,TMI,複合プロダクトにより得られた降水量の比較. SELIS春の学校, 愛知, 3月.

山本宗尚, 2006: 熱帯降雨観測衛星(TRMM)搭載センサとTRMM複合プロダクトから得られた降水分布および日変化活動の比較. HyARC−CEReS合同衛星Data fusion・東海リモセン研究会・SELIS合同研究集会, 愛知, 2月.

これまでの論文・学会発表 [Past Articles & Presentations]: [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [before 2002]
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